IAC :: Remember the past, be responsible for the future

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A powerful signal sent out by the citizens and a boost for democracy

19 January 2024: On the Jungfernsteig in Hamburg tens of thousands have demonstrated against right-wing extremism. The rally "Hamburg arise – against far-right extremism and neo-Nazi networks" was initiated by Entrepreneurs without Frontiers, the Northern Evangelical Church and the German Trade Union Federation (DGB). Photograph: ZDF.de

19 January 2024: On the Jungfernsteig in Hamburg tens of thousands have demonstrated against right-wing extremism. The rally "Hamburg arise – against far-right extremism and neo-Nazi networks" was initiated by Entrepreneurs without Frontiers, the Northern Evangelical Church and the German Trade Union Federation (DGB). Photograph: ZDF.de




Commenting in Berlin on the numerous demonstrations against the far-right in Germany, Christoph Heubner, Executive Vice President of the International Auschwitz Committee said:

"Holocaust survivors are more than grateful to all the people who are now taking to the streets and demonstrating against hatred and the delusive lying world of the right. They are greeting these demonstrations as a powerful signal sent out by the citizens and a huge rejuvenation of democracy. It is something they have been hoping for and awaiting, for a long time."